HKMetrics - Lecture in Memory of Emil J. Gumbel

The first HKMetrics - Lecture in Memory of Emil J. Gumbel will be held by Eric Ghysels (UNC Chapel Hill)

Eric Ghysels is the Bernstein Distinguished Professor of Economics at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill and Professor of Finance at the Kenan-Flagler Business School. His main research interests are time series econometrics and finance. He obtained his Ph.D. from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University. He has been a visiting professor or scholar at several major U.S., European and Asian universities. He serves on the editorial boards of several academic journals and was co-editor of the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics and editor of the Journal of Financial Econometrics. He has published in the leading economics, finance and statistics journals and has published several books. He is also the Founding Co-President of the Society for Financial Econometrics (SoFiE). He was a Resident Scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York during 2008-2009 and a Duisenberg Fellow at the European Central Bank in 2011.

His most recent research focuses on MIDAS (meaning Mi(xed) Da(ta) S(ampling)) regression models and related econometric methods. Examples include MIDAS regression models involving data sampled at different frequencies which are of general interest.