The HKMetrics network is a joint initiative of econometricians and statisticians from Heidelberg University, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the University of Mannheim. The mission of HKMetrics is to promote and foster research in applied and theoretical econometrics. The network's activities include a joint research seminar and a regular workshop for PhD students and junior researchers.
Christian Conrad and Robert F. Engle: "Modelling volatility cycles: The MF2-GARCH model." Journal of Applied Econometrics, accepted for publication [link].
On January 22, Heiner Mikosch (KOF Swiss Economic Institute) will give a talk on "Fiscal Responses to Monetary Policy: Insights From a Survey Among Government Officials". Time and Location: 13:30, Heidelberg University, AWI 01.030.
On November 04, Florian Peters (University of Amsterdam ) will give a talk on "Optimal Peers". Time and Location: 13:30, Heidelberg University, AWI 00.010.
Christian Conrad and Zeno Enders: "The limits of the ECB's inflation projections" was published in SUERF, The European Money and Finance Forum [link].
On July 30, the 11th HKMetrics Workshop will take place in Heidelberg hosted by the Alfred-Weber-Institute at Heidelberg University. See into the program here.
On July 08, Philippe Goulet Coulombe (Université du Québec à Montréal) will give a talk on "Macro Forecasting in the Machine Learning Era". Time and Location: 15:00, Heidelberg University, AWI 00.010.
On April 22, Patrik Guggenberger (Penn State University) will give a talk on "New Results on Minimax Regret Treatment Rules in Finite Samples". Time and Location: 13:30, Heidelberg University, AWI 00.010.
On April 11, Christian Conrad (Heidelberg Unviversity) organizes a Workshop on Financial Econometrics & Macroeconomic Expectations at Villa Menzer in Neckargemünd. See into the program here.
On July 12, the 10th HKMetrics Workshop will take place in Karlsruhe hosted by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. See into the program here.
On May 24, Tabea Bucher-Koenen (ZEW Mannheim) will give a talk on "Gender Differences in Financial Advice". Time and Location: 12:15, Heidelberg University, AWI 00.010.
On March 28, Philip Schnorpfeil (Goethe University Frankfurt) will give a talk on "Households‘ Response to the Wealth Effects of Inflation". Time and Location: 10:30, Heidelberg University, AWI 00.010.
On November 30, Dobrislav Dobrev (Federal Reserve Board of Governors) will give a talk on "A Randomized Missing Data Approach to Robust Filtering and Forecasting". Time and Location: 15:00, Heidelberg University, AWI 01.030.
On June 2/3, Christian Conrad (Heidelberg University), Fabian Krüger (KIT) and Lora Pavlova (KIT) organized the workshop ”Survey Data and Probabilistic Expectations” at the Marsilius-Kolleg, Heidelberg University. See into the program here.
On May 23, Robinson Kruse (FernUniversität Hagen) will give a talk on "Predictive regressions under heteroskedasticity". Time and Location: 13:30, Heidelberg University, AWI 00.010.
On May 12, Martin Spindler (University of Hamburg) will give a talk on "Adaptive Discrete Smoothing with an Application to Non-Parametric Estimation and High-Dimensional Panel Data Estimation". Time and Location: 15:30, University of Mannheim, L7, 3-5, P044.
On May 20, the 9th HKMetrics Workshop will take place in Mannheim. Location: The workshop takes place in the lecture hall SN 163 which is located in the Mannheim Palace (Schloss). See into the program here.
The first lecture in the GAUL Lectures 2021 series at KIT Science Week by Caroline Uhler (MIT) on October 06, 17:00h via ZOOM [link], is aimed at a broad interested audience. Further information: [link].
A summary of the paper "The Role of Information and Experience for Households' Inflation Expectations" (by Christian Conrad, Zeno Enders and Alexander Glas) was published in SUERF, The European Money and Finance Forum [link].
The paper "Two are better than one: Volatility forecasting using multiplicative component GARCH-MIDAS models" ( by Christian Conrad and Onno Kleen was the most downloaded article published in the Journal of Applied Econometrics in 2019/2020.
On June 26, Anne Opschoor (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) gave a talk on Closed-Form Multi-Factor Copula Models with Observation-Driven Dynamic Factor Loadings. Location: Heidelberg University, Alfred-Weber-Institute, Bergheimer Str. 58, Room 00.028.
On May 23, Hajo Holzmann (University of Marburg) gave a talk. Location: University of Mannheim, L7, 3-5, Room S031.
On May 16, Dmitry Arkhangelsky (CEMFI Madrid) gave a talk. Location: University of Mannheim, L7, 3-5, Room S031.
On May 09, Matt Masten (Duke University) gave a talk. Location: University of Mannheim, L7, 3-5, Room S031.
On November 14, Stefan Voigt (Vienna Graduate School of Finance) gave a talk on "Limits to Arbitrage in Markets with Stochastic Latency". Location: Heidelberg University, Alfred-Weber-Institute, Bergheimer Str. 58, Room 01.030.
On November 07, Tom Zimmermann (University of Cologne) gave a talk on "Employment Effects of Unconventional Monetary Policy: Evidence from QE". Location: Heidelberg University, Alfred-Weber-Institute, Bergheimer Str. 58, Room 01.030.
On October 22, Elmar Mertens (Bank for International Settlements) gave a talk on "Modeling Time-Varying Uncertainty of Multiple-Horizon Forecast Errors". Location: Heidelberg University, Alfred-Weber-Institute, Bergheimer Str. 58, Room 00.010.
On October 04, the 5th HKMetrics Workshop took place in Heidelberg. Location: Heidelberg University, Alfred-Weber-Institute, Bergheimer Str. 58, Room 02.023. See into the program here.
On September 07, Wolfgang Haerdle (TU Berlin) gave a talk on "Textual Sentiment, Option Characteristics, and Stock Return Predictability". Location: KIT Campus B (Bdg. 09.21), Bluecherstr. 17, Room 320.
On July 09, Christian Brownlees (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) gave a talk on "Community Detection in Partial Correlation Network Models". Location: Heidelberg University, Alfred-Weber-Institute, Bergheimer Str. 58, Room 00.010.
On June 01, the RTG 1953 "Statistical Modeling of Complex Systems" and HKMetrics organized a joint econometrics workshop: Stefan Wager (Stanford University) gave talks on "Optimized Regression Discontinuity Designs" and "Augmented Minimax Linear Estimation". Location: Heidelberg University, Mathematikon, conference room, 5th floor.
On May 28, Victor Chernozhukov (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) gave a talk on "Double/De-Biased Machine Learning with Regularized Riesz Representers" in the HKMetrics-Seminar. Location: Heidelberg University, Mathematikon, Room SR C.
On April 26, Bernd Schwaab (European Central Bank) gave a talk on "Risk endogeneity at the lender-/investor-of-last-resort" in the HKMetrics-Seminar. Location: KIT Campus B (Bdg. 09.21), Bluecherstr. 17, Room 320.
On February 22, Manfred Deistler (TU Vienna) and Alexander Braumann (TU Braunschweig) gave a talk in the HKMetrics-Seminar. Manfred Deistler presented the paper "Generalized Linear Dynamic Factor Models - A Structure Theory" and Alexander Braumann the paper "Bootstrapping for Vector Autoregression Estimates in Generalized Dynamic Factor Models". Location: University of Mannheim, L7, 3-5, Room S 031.
On January 25, the 4th HKMetrics Workshop took place in Karlsruhe. Location: KIT Campus B (Bdg. 09.21), Bluecherstr. 17. See into the program here.
On January 10, Jörg Breitung (University of Cologne) gave a talk on "Asymmetric Impulse Responses" in the HKMetrics-Seminar. Location: Heidelberg University, Alfred-Weber-Institute, Bergheimer Str. 58, Room 01.030.
On December 18, Roman Liesenfeld (University of Cologne) gave a talk on "Factor State-Space Models for High-Dimensional Realized Covariance Matrices of Asset Returns" in the HKMetrics-Seminar. Location: Heidelberg University, Alfred-Weber-Institute, Bergheimer Str. 58, Room 00.010.
On November 27, Marie Hoerova (European Central Bank) gave a talk on "The Macroeconomic Impact of Money Market Freezes" in the HKMetrics-Seminar. Location: Heidelberg University, Alfred-Weber-Institute, Bergheimer Str. 58, Room 00.010.
For their Whitepaper "Lykke Crypto Index 20", Onno Kleen and Christopher Zuber were awarded the 1st prize at a competition by Lykke marketplace. They proposed the Lykke Crypto Index 20 (LCI20) as a real-time measure of cryptocurrency market movements. Further information can be found here.
On October 25, Michael Rockinger (University of Lausanne) gave a talk on "Predicting Long-Term Financial Returns: VAR vs. DSGE Model - A Horse-Race" in the HKMetrics-Seminar. Location: Heidelberg University, Alfred-Weber-Institute, Bergheimer Str. 58, Room 01.030.
The inaugural conference of the HKMetrics network on Financial Econometrics took place on September 14-15, 2017, at the International Academic Forum Heidelberg (Directions). Detailed program [pdf-download] and more Information here.
The opening of the HKMetrics network was celebrated with the HKMetrics Lecture in memory of Emil J. Gumbel held by Eric Ghysels (UNC Chapel Hill). The lecture took place on Friday, September 15th at Alte Aula of Heidelberg University (Directions). More Information here.